Not sure what your next career move should be? Want to see your perfect job within a few clicks? Upload your CV into Job Match and it’ll do your job search for you. Our innovative new tool assesses your skills and experience in seconds, then combs through our extensive database of vacancies to find the right jobs in the prime locations that match you perfectly. It will not get easier.
It’s quick
You can either upload a PDF, TXT or Word version of your CV. Hit submit and within seconds your details will be processed, and you can click straight through to your results.
It’s targeted
Our goal is to find the most relevant roles for you as possible. Once you’ve submitted your details, our clever tool assesses your skills and experience then matches you to the most relevant live roles from our website.
Results in real-time
Our traffic light colour code system of green, amber and red will show you available jobs based on your current experience and skill level, allowing you to instantly apply to the roles that appeal to you.
Once you’ve got your results, you’ve got the option to further filter your results by sector, industry, type of contract and salary. Why not try Job Match today – the next important step in your career is only a few clicks away.